"Wanted to let you know that I was (finally) taken out to see the neuro-surgeon (doctor Rahimifar, he has a practice in Bakersfield). He decided against surgery for now. I must continue to wear the neck brace for another 2 weeks and another follow-up appointment in 2 weeks by tele-conference.
The doctor was surprized to see me, and that was the best proof of me not being taken out to the follow-up appointment last month was intentional. I am now just waiting to see what kind of treatment plan they will develop for me. Naturally I have no faith in them (or even honoring the follow-up tele-conference). Love to all."
Michael Dorrough D83611
J.D.K.M.H. HU 01-23
P.O. Box 3456
Corcoran, CA 93212