is a letter by a friend of Zaharibu, and it shows how much positive
influence he has had on the friend who is now trying to visit him.
Another friend of Zaharibu wrote: "We believe it is things of this nature which further prove the positive impact on people's lives that N.C.T.T. (NARN Collective Think Tank, the movement for positive change for people) Activists continue (and have always) have (had); while simultaneously debunking the lie that Zaharibu and his comrades inside of the N.C.T.T. are "gang members" or anything other than the progressive political activists which they are."
Another friend of Zaharibu wrote: "We believe it is things of this nature which further prove the positive impact on people's lives that N.C.T.T. (NARN Collective Think Tank, the movement for positive change for people) Activists continue (and have always) have (had); while simultaneously debunking the lie that Zaharibu and his comrades inside of the N.C.T.T. are "gang members" or anything other than the progressive political activists which they are."

Giving him a label of "gangster" and denying him visits is cruel and does not enhance the rehabilitation that CDCR is supposed to do.
Zaharibu has been in solitary confinement since more than 24 years. He is an example of why CDCR's STG policies have failed and are nothing more than cruel Nazi-laws.